Eco Power Group
Eco Power Group

Spanish and German Airports Use Eco Power's Liquid-Cooled Battery System as Aircraft Charging Equipment

The aviation power truck is a kind of integrated power generation and power supply function of aviation ground support equipment. It supplies power support for aircraft ground starting and aircraft ground maintenance. It has the characteristics of good flexibility and high reliability, and is one of the most significant aviation ground support equipment. Under normal circumstances, major jet airliners are generally charged by the high frequency charging power supply under the airport terminal corridor. However, due to the limited parking space of the corridor, some aircraft can only be parked far away from the terminal building, and some small airport terminals do not have a corridor, so the aviation power truck is used exclusively for charging these aircraft. The original aviation power truck uses diesel to generate electricity. With the continuous development of lithium battery technology, the most advanced aviation power vehicles now use a combination of lithium battery storage and chargers, which is a highly efficient, non-polluting, zero-emission, low-noise mobile power supply device.

Spanish and German Airports Use Eco Power's Liquid-Cooled Battery System as Aircraft Charging Equipment

Eco Power has provided the most innovative liquid-cooled lithium battery system for European aero power vehicle manufacturers, thus ensuring that the equipment can be used normally within the temperature variation range of -30℃~55℃. The liquid-cooled system of this battery system not only cools the battery in summer but also heats the battery in winter, with a heating efficiency more than 5 times higher than that of previous electric heating plates.